
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Back to work... busy busy busy!

It's been 10 days since my last blog entry.... sigh.... Sorry about that.
We had a wonderful scrapbooking weekend. Cindy and I made 12 pages and a few cards. I'll upload them here in the days to come, and probably also upload a few to the two peas gallery. Someday I might even have time to make a gallery on my site. LOL!!

So it was back to work Monday. Lots of orders to take care of. :-) It's a good thing, but it doesn't leave much time for fun stuff like uploading our creations! Well, that's what weekends are for, right?

Below is a scan of a card I made a year ago during a card making weekend in Washington with my friend Kathy (owner of Rubberstamp Avenue) and my friend Barbara whose house we stayed at. The card uses a paper from Provo Craft as the background. The column is one of my stamps (see The "Explore" sticker is from the Junkitz Tim Holtz series ( I first applied the sticker to gold cardstock and trimmed it close, then matted it with black. The round tags are Lalique tags found at The tags don't come with letters on them... those are rub ons. Oh, and the little tag that says "the" on it is actually a brad by Provo Craft ( on which I first sanded to take most of the paint off, then used a rub on over top.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you have your blog.I wish to link to my blog too.

    your customer and stamper,
    ying(from Malaysia)
