
Monday, January 29, 2007

CHA report - Day 2

The first thing I did today was go back to the LuminArte booth to get the names of the colors of the new Radiant Rain mists and daubers.
-Mists will come in 12 scrumptious colors: Coral Berry, Irish Mist, Fern, Sky Blue, Cranberry, Guartamalan Green, Periwinkle, Lemondrop, Key Lime, Jasper Red, Pink Grapefruit and Golden Bamboo. Price for the Mists will be $4.99 ea.
-Daubers will come in 12 delightful shades: Mallard Green, Sunburst, Snapdragon, Olive Vine, Hot Cinammon, Pink Azalea, Teal Ziricon, Magestic Blue, Wine & Roses, Spiced Pumpkin, Nutmeg and Yellow Rose. Price for the Daubers will be $5.99 ea.
(and of course, I will offer a special for orders of all of them!! )

Now.... I must tell you about the most exciting product I saw today. A wonderful new BINDING SYSTEM!!! Better than anything I've seen before.
This binder makes very professional books at a reasonable price.
First, I'll tell you about the machine. It punches through 10 sheets of paper at a time with ease, or through chipboard! You can cut any size paper (by moving the paper and aligning with previous holes).
The binding is wire combs. The same machine is used to put the combs on. And the price is only $59.99!!
The combs come in 5 thicknesses and 5 colors. Such fun!!
The picture below illustrates how it works and what the binding looks like.

Next, I stopped at Tsukineko's booth. They have 2 new colors of Brilliance inks which will be out in April.... as well as 2 older colors no available in Dew Drops (lime and gamma green).

Tsukineko also said their GLUE PAD is finally finally coming. Yes, I know we have all been waiting well over a year for this, but it will finally be available in April/May. The pad will come WITH a reinker, and extra reinkers will be available. It will be different from the current glue pad by Stewart Superior in that you won't need to heat the ink to activate it. We ordered 150 of them and will start taking pre-orders soon. I will do that through the newsgroup... so stay tuned there.

That's not all folks....

Basic Grey is gracing us with 4 new beautiful lines at the end of February. Of course, I ordered them all! I will be putting them on my website mid-February.

Other fabulous paper lines I picked up today were from Autumn Leaves, Paper Adventures, Fancy Pants, Karen Foster, etc...

Speaking of Autumn Leaves, they have 20 new clear stamps!! I ordered them all of course! Look for a new book featuring clear stamps as well. This whole line is suppposed to come out in March.

Switching back to stamping.... Tim Holtz and Ranger are coming out with 12 new colors of the Distress embossing powders to match the 12 distress inks that came out last year. Look for those in late March.

Ranger also re-designed the whole Adirondack/Seabrights/Seashell line. The Seabrights and Seashells inks will be "sort of" discontinued..... but not really. They will be re-packaged into a whole series to match the Adirondack daubers line. So everything will be like the Adirondack daubers: 12 earth tones, 12 brights, 12 pastels. The current 10 seabrights and 10 seashells will be re-named and 2 colors each added, so all the names will match the Adirondack daubers. The CURRENT Adirondack inks have 24 colors.... so those will all remain, which means there will be more earthones than the other ranges... It's going to be a bit confusing at first, but nice and more contiguous when it's all in place. Also, the embossing powders in this line will be expanded. The pads themselves will be redesigned so they are NOT a hinged box as now, but a top & bottom and stackable.

Tim Holtz is coming out with great carrying cases for inks, powders, color washes, etc. Nice tins with compartments for storing all your Tim Holtz stuff neat and organized.

PUNCHES --- are you punch crazy? OK, Punch Bunch is coming out with several new punch shapes. I'll keep you posted on those soon..... Fiskars has new "oval" border punches, much like their border and circle ones.... but they make ovals. And I will be stopping at McGill's booth tomorrow to order their new punches.

Dutch paper craft lovers, I have lots for you too:

-Dozens of new Peel Off stickers from Starform, Mark Richards, and more

-Pergamano supplies. I will now be carrying basic Pergamano supplies including books, tools, vellum and starter kits. I will also be able to special order ANY Pergamano products you wish (paints, books, patterns, shading tools, tints, etc)

-New stencils & books, of course. I can't recall all the lines I ordered, but there are a lot of new ones.

-New 3-D cutting papers..... at least 40 new ones: flowers, animals, holiday, and more. And 2 new books FILLED with cutting papers at a GREAT value: $15 for over 20 sheets of papers, every sheet different, so you get a ton of variety at huge savings.

There was more, but I can't remember it all.... I'll have to wait til I get home and unpack/sort it all to fill you in.

I wish I had more pictures for you, but my digital camera ran out of juice today and I didn't pack that charger. DUH!!

More tomorrow!!



  1. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Sounds -awesome- ... =)

  2. Anonymous12:50 AM

    ohhhhhhhhhhh, je les veux ces Luminarte mist !! ça a l'air super !!

  3. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Yea! I'm so glad you'll be carrying Pergamano products now! It's my favorite papercrafting technique!!

    Falls Church VA

  4. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I'm sorry; I'm a little slow...what are "cutter" papers?

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I am soooo happy to hear that you will be carrying the pergamano supplies I need. I would love to give you the business rather than the company I have been buying from. I just don't know if I can wait until you get back and organized to order.

    Heidi, if you read comments, contact me and let's compare Pergamano notes.

  6. Anonymous10:44 PM

    i want the basc grey new collection!!!! scarlett, stella and perhaps are just gorgeous!! *swoons*
