
Saturday, October 03, 2009

We're Movin' On Up!

We have some very exciting news to share! Our warehouse will be moving to a 6,000 s.f. brand new building very soon.
We just put a down payment on a warehouse space just 8 minutes from our current location. The space is currently empty, and part of a larger warehouse building. We are purchasing 3,000 s.f. and adding a 2nd floor to give us 6,000 s.f. of space. This will almost double our current space.

We will be occupying units 644 and 642

This is the inside of 1 of the units. You can see where the 2nd floor will go up, as well as the wall separating the 2 units. There will be a BIG archway between the 2 units both upstairs and downstairs, creating 1 large space for us.

At this time, we have to wait for the permits to start building the 2nd floor. Permits are the longest part of the process.... so I probably won't have any updates for 4-6 weeks. Here is the floor plan:

It's kind of hard to see... but the left one is the upstairs which will be 1 big expanse, and the right one is the downstairs showing 2 offices and a larger room at the front of the building, plus the big warehouse at the back. You can see the staircases on either side towards the back too.
Now I need to map out how all the shelves will be arranged, as well as the freight receiving area and the shipping area.
If all goes well, we should be moving in around the middle of January. It's going to be a LOT of work!!!! But we are looking forward to our new digs.


  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    good for you fran,.,,, I remember the day you told me you were going to start this business and I said you were crazy,,, THEN I remember when you told me you were quiting your job to do this full time,,, and I said you were crazy... well.. goes to show you should never LISTEN TO ME!!

    congrats kido

  2. Yipee! There comes a time in the evolution of any business where you have to decide to take the plunge and grow, or forever remain small. I'm delighted to see you making a break for it!

  3. oh wow !! good for you !!! good luck with the move!!

  4. Et bien quel beaux locaux, ça veut dire que le catalogue s'agrandit aussi ? lol? bizzzz

  5. super ! bravo à toi ! bisous

  6. Ben dis donc... bon courage pour ces travaux et ce déménagement, alors !!!

  7. Supeeeer, voilà une excellente nouvelle, je suis bien contente pour toi, tu y seras très bien j'en suis sûre ! bizoux

  8. C'est génial mais ça veut dire une fermeture provisoire avant Noël ???

  9. super !!! va y avoir de la place et plus de materiel

    de nouvelles marques prevues ??



  10. oh mais c'est vraiment super!!!!!!!tout pleins de place pour tout pleins de références!!!!

  11. Youhouu Fran, quelle merveilleuse nouvelle !!!
    Je te souhaite tout le meilleur pour cette aventure ....
    Plus d'espace, ça signifie un plus grand choix.....Mon dieux que ça va être dur de se limiter... c'est le portefeuille qui risque de ne pas être d'accord !!! ;-)

    bisous tout plein


  12. Congrats on the new building. Won't it be nice to be in and organized. I wish you continued deserve it!

  13. Congratulations, Fran. You work so hard. Do you ever get to play?

  14. I am just so excited for you!!! It's been a long time coming!! Good for you!!! You've worked long and hard!!


  15. good luck Fran !!

  16. Toutes mes félicitations ! Bravo à vous et à votre équipe. Amitiés !

  17. wonderfull !
    c'est une excellente nouvelle !

  18. There are definitely long gaps between blogging but you are a very busy lady and with the new premises you will be even busier!

    Thanks for posting the amazing projects on the previous two posts.

    Cazzy x

  19. Jenny5:51 AM

    What great news! I would love to be surrounded by 6,000 square feet of crafting supplies every day. It would hardly seem like work!

    Congratulations across the country from the East Coast!


  20. Fran, this will be great !
    Congratulation with the new warehouse/department store and good luck with it all !
    I wish I could drop by, but much to long way for that :o)
    Hugs, Jóna

  21. Awesome! Looks kewl!

  22. Wow Fran, Congrats! Hope you will show us another picture when you are all settled in! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Wow, Fran! I am so happy for you!! :) Still just a small on-line business owner, I look forward to expanding like that some day myself. LUcky girl! :) Hugs, Kel
