
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year (and Contest Finalists)

Happy New Year (and Contest Finalists!)

The design team at FranticStamper would like to wish you and yours all a very Happy New Year. We hope your year will be joy-filled.

On this first day of 2011, we would like to share the three finalists in our "Tag... You're it!" contest. To help us determine the winner, we would love your help!

Please leave a comment on this post with the number of the tag you prefer (Please only vote for one, and only vote one time; Annonymous votes will not be counted). Votes will be accepted until January 12th, at which time they will be counted and the winner determined. In the event of a tie, the design team will make the final decision.

Let the voting begin!

Tag #1

Tag #2

Tag #3


  1. They are all wonderful-but I vote for #1 !

  2. They are all so pretty, but I admit to a weakness for the figgy pudding tag (#3).

  3. What a tough decision! All three tags are wonderful. I think tag #1 is my favorite - I love that Snow Queen.

  4. I love them all but sheet music speaks to me at Christmas time. So I must pick #2. Good Luck to you 3 players.

  5. My vote it for #2 Congrats to all the finalists, good luck!

  6. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Great work, since a tag has so much limited space, but I vote #3!

  7. Jack and Jill5:44 PM

    We vote for Tag #1...we come from the land of snow eh!

  8. I just can not make up my mind.
    I keep coming back to look, and each tag is so unique.
    I love them all, and think each is worthy of a prize :)

  9. 2 goes for my

    liefs Anneke

  10. Very difficult but I think that #1 will have my vote.

  11. I vote for tag 3-The Figgy Pudding. But I actually like them all...

  12. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Love tag #2.

  13. Ooh, they are all simply gorgeous. It's such a difficult decision to choose just one, but since I love cream/white & gold, I guess if I'm only allowed to vote for one, I'll have to give my vote to #2.


  14. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I absolutely love tehm all but must admit there is something about the vintage look of sheet music that gets me all the time. Good luck to all!

  15. dorismaehoner7:54 AM

    I vote for #3 tag which really shows the Spirit of Christmas and takes us back into more peaceful gentle times in our history. Keep up the Frantic Stamper Happenings.
    dorismaehoner @
