
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Questions for our readers...


Our first year with the frantic stamper design team is soon coming to a close. We would like to hear from you, our readers, about what you liked and didn't like about the year.

Please answer the following few questions for us, and then add your comments.

          Did you like the variety of projects on the blog?

          Were there projects that you tried to replicate? If so, were the instructions adequate for your efforts?

          Did you ever use one of the links provided in the materials sections to visit FranticStamper? If yes, did you buy anything on your visit?

          Did you ever leave a comment on the blog before today?

          Is there something we did that you would like to see more of? Less of?

          We are likely to have to cut the frequency of our posts (budgets all over have been hit by the recession). Will you still read us?

Thanks for your reply! It will help us a great deal in going forward with the design team.

Kathy Berger, FranticStamper Design Team Facilitator


  1. I read your blog on Blog Reader and it's difficult to leave comments, so I never have before.
    Many of your projects look very complex and not really the type of things I make. I make cards only. I frequently just skim them because I know I'll never make them. For me, simpler projects would be better.

  2. The projects seem rather complex and the photographs are not always very good. I think it might be better to do videos to demonstrate them. And I'll certainly still look at the projects even if you have to cut back the frequency!

  3. I have left comments before. I do like the projects that have been shown. I usually make cards and scrap pages, but some of the accordion albums and tags have been interesting. The ones I have tried to make on my own were with items I already had, because I needed it quick. It was hard to follow the instructions because your products were listed and I got confused with my items. LOL

    I would like to see more scrap pages. If you do have to cut back, maybe a designer a week or a certain project on a certain day. I would still read each day.

  4. I believe you have one of the best online shopping inventory out there. I visit your blog everyday, but I do have to agree with the other ladies. The cards, tags, projects are not user friendly as to instructions and often the quality of the image is poor. Dont stop, just adjust. Will always return.

  5. Hi Fran! You have won my loyalty to your online's the best there is for variety, and ease of shopping. (love the "new products" feature). The artwork on your blog just didn't match my taste in cards, however I did view it each day. The tag contest was my favorite with each tag definitely more my taste.

  6. I was a follower before you had the DT projects posted, so if you post less from the DT, I'll certainly still follow.
    To be honest, I don't pay a lot of attention to the instructions. If I like a project, I copy the pic of it and print it out, then it goes into my notebook of ideas. I seldom replicate a project that I see anywhere, step by step. I tend to take ideas and use bits and pieces of them and do my own thing.
    I agree that the photography could sometimes be better, but that being said, I still do find some wonderful ideas here.
    I don't think there is any DT that everyones style will appeal to everyone. It all just depends on the person and their taste, level of expertise and the supplies they have.
    As for commenting, I have commented many times, before and after the DT started.
    The projects haven't prompted me to order specific items. If there is something I want to make, I try to use what I have on hand.
    I do like that you have a variety of projects that are shown. For me, the more involved ones are my favorites, like the recently posted CD album. Although I love seeing the cards and layouts, I love finding new and different papercrafting and stamping project.
    Thanks to the Design Team for all they share with us!
