
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Something Special Saturday: Feedback Results

A couple of weeks ago we asked you for some feedback on how we are doing with the blog, which features you like and which you don't. We thought we would take a moment to let you in on what we were told.

The biggest thing that we learned was that we can't possibly please everyone. We had some folks on opposite ends of the spectrum on every single question! The average score for each of the features was about 3.5, which tells us you like them a little more than you don't. But those of you who love certain features were countered almost 1-1 by someone who hated the same feature!

The tips were found to be really helpful by some of you, but others who are very experienced paper crafters felt they were far too elementary.

One person had no use for the Warehouse Wednesday feature and wanted us to eliminate it while another said it was her favorite thing and looked forward to it every week.

One person told us that she preferred the old style of design team projects with the step-by-step instructions and especially the product links. But another told us that she really preferred the new style because of its chattiness and because the links to products really annoyed her!

One person told us she didn't like the sketches because she never uses them, while another asked for MORE of them.

And that was the basic story of the feedback we got!

But we also got some suggestions to look to other companies for ideas and for comparison to see how we measure up. Those suggestions were a little disheartening for us, though, because the companies we were compared to are companies with pretty big corporations behind them, while we are a very small company that relies largely on the volunteer work of our Design Team Facilitator to publish our blog. There is just no way we can do the kinds of things that those companies do... we don't have the resources!

But with the resources we do have we will try to continue to provide you with as much information and variety as we can. If you have suggestions please feel free to pass them along to us. We really do care about what you have to say, and perhaps we will reach a consensus on something sometime!

In the meantime, though, Something Special Saturday will likely be on hiatus for the month of July. If something really unique pops up that plan might change, but otherwise, look for the feature to come back on its occasional basis sometime in August.


  1. Dear Kathy,
    I enjoy your posts very much. You're never going to please everyone all the time. So don't worry about doing so. I know with myself that some things I find very helpful and some things I've already experienced. But that's not bad because someone else will find it new to them. So don't worry, just keep up the good information. Be yourselves and don't worry about being like other companies, because your great the way you are!
    Thanks, Pam C

  2. I know I'm kind of late, but here is what I think anyway. I planned to send in some feedback and never got to it.
    I like the new format of the blog and think y'all do a fabulous job with it. There are some parts I like better than others. For instance, I don't use sketches so that feature doesn't much matter to me, but I know a lot of people love sketches, so I'm sure to them it is a valuable resource. I enjoy seeing the behind the scenes of the Warehouse posts, I'm sure some couldn't give a fig aobut it.
    The things that don't interest me, like the sketches, I just skip that day. I pop in take a cursory look and pop out.
    That is the point of the whole blog, in my opinion. You post the info and if someone is interested they will read it and use the parts they like. If they don't like that feature, they can just skip that part.
    I think all the different aspects that you post are valuable to different people. Everyone will not be happy all the time, but there will always be someone who is happy with each aspect.
    So I would say, go on doing what you are doing and people can just not use the features that they don't care as much for.
    As for comparing to other blog, well that is all well and good, but everyone is different in what they do. I have a blog and there are a lot of blogs that I follow. I have my own style, just like in what I create, there are things I love that others do with their blogs, but that doesn't mean I need to do it on my blog. Same goes for companies, just because one company does something doesn't mean another has to too. I think you are doing a wonderful job, if you want to check out some other company blogs, go ahead, but like you said, some of them are backed by big corporations. So let's compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges.
    Overall, I like the format etc so much better now than I did before and the info you give us is wonderful!
    So there's my 2 cents, better late than never. LOL
