
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tip Tuesday: Jump Starting Mojo

Today we'd like to offer some tips for jump starting your mojo. We all go through perods when we have a hard time feeling creative, where we just don't seem to be able to get the juices flowing. Here are some things we have done to get out of that rut, especially when we HAVE to get something made...

Tip #1
Go on a little shopping spree. There is nothing that gets my creative juices flowing as much as a new tool to play with, or new ink, stamps, or paper to try out!

Tip #2
Re-create a card or layout that you've made before, but use different colors or different photos. Don't try to do exactly what you did before, but use it as a jumping off point.

Tip #3
Start with a card layout that you find appealing...then just add decorative papers and embellishments you love. Let the layout and the papers do the bulk of the work.

Tip #4
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Visit a card gallery or peruse a magazine and try to make a card just like one that jumps out at you.

Tip #5
Don't try to do too much. Sometimes when my mojo is on vacation I use the time to stamp images, die cut dies, make paper flowers, tie bows, or just reorganize my supplies. All these things save time and effort when I am feeling creative again, but am low on time.

Tip #6
Get together with a friend to stamp. Your friend may inspire your creativity, but at the very least you will have a good time visiting!

Tip #7
Make Serendipity paper out of your failed attempts at stamping. Glue down torn scraps of stamped images, torn decorative paper, bits of paper lace. Stamp more images randomly over the paper. Cut into shapes. Run some through a crimper for more variety. It's a great way to both recycle those failures and to be creative!

Tip #8
Go back to basics. Just stamp an image, on a single layer, add a simple single saying and one embellishment. Check out this simple black and white card for an example.

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