
Thursday, September 06, 2012

Kiss! (DT Project by Jane Larsson)


by Jane Larsson

Puss is the Swedish word for kiss. Isn´t this mouse so cute you almost wanna kiss it?

The motive is one of Fran´s own, and it is called Door Mouse. I colored it with Copic Sketch Markers. Doesn't this card make you feel ready for autumn?



  1. Nice coloring, but no kissing. All I think of is mice being vectors of disease. Kissi one and get the plague! I never could buy House Mouse stamps either. Luckily Fran doesn't have a one theme company!

  2. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Hello, I love the mouse and now learned a new word. Tell me more about the embellishments please. Is that a ball chain? And how did you adhere it in that pattern? I often become frozen by choices and so many techniques I don't think I have time to make a card. It's so nice to be reminded how a well made simple card can be just as nice as one with a lot of doo dads and supplies . Thank you for the touch of fall and for sharing your card.
