Today, a quick product spotlight for your enjoyment.
I just love my Bind-it-All. Sadly, I don't have much time to play..... I haven't even made a REAL project yet (I've just "play" punched so far). I have all sorts of ideas running through my head, but no time to execute.
So, I live vicariously through the wonderful project my loyal customers create. Below is a brown bag album made by one of my French customer. ----sidebar ---- I was born in France and speak French fluently. This has enabled me to serve a growing customer base in France. There are so many talented ladies who have discovered the joys of scrapbooking and cardmaking in the past few years.
But I digress. Below is a brown bag album made by Cathy (yes, a very anglo name, but it's short for Catherine!). Cathy recently took a trip to Tibet. She made this wonderful album illustrating a salty lake high in the Tibetan mountains.
Cathy used the Bind-it-All to finish off her album.

If you like what you see, and want to see the rest of the album, please go to:
The blog is in French and so are all the comments, but I'm sure Cathy would enjoy getting your comments in English too. :-)
I hope you enjoy this feast for the eyes.
I'm off to add a few more things to the website.....