Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sketch Sunday: Scrap #3

Happy Easter! Today's sketch is done in colors that make me think of Easter, Spring, and Mother's Day. In the large photo block I can see a photo of a little girl in her lavender Easter dress, standing in a field and holding a basket filled with her collected eggs, with her name spelled out in the squares at the bottom. Or perhaps a photo of my beloved grandmother in her favorite chair with a bouquet of lilacs from her garden on the side table; I envision photos of her garden filled with lilacs, irises, and violets in the smaller squares. I can almost smell the blooms... what a vivid memory they form in my mind.

I hope this sketch will evoke some memories for you and will help your creative juices to flow. If you do use this layout the design team would love to see what you make. Upload a photo somewhere (Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket, etc.) and then share a link with us in the comments. To share all you need to do is add the following codes to your comment, and then replace the word "link" with the actual link to your photo:

      <a href="link">My Page</a>

Your comment will then contain the words "My Page" which will link to your photo. The design team really looks forward to seeing your work!

Until the next time,

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